In "Aalmi Nasri Adab Aik Intikab 3 Vol," Ashar Najmi offers a comprehensive selection of global prose literature, spanning diverse cultures and epochs. The anthology presents a nuanced panorama of...
"Aalmi Tehzeebon Ki Dastan" by Edward McNall Burns, translated into Urdu by Muhammad Arshad Razi, offers a sweeping narrative of world civilizations, tracing their evolution, interactions, and contributions to humanity's...
"Adbi Painday" (ادبی پینڈے) by Dr. Sayed Akhtar Jafri is a comprehensive and insightful book designed to assist candidates preparing for CSS (Central Superior Services), PMS (Provincial Management Services), and...
"Adbi Theory Aik Taruf" is a translation of Terry Eagleton's work by Yasir Jawad. It offers an introduction to literary theory, exploring its various facets and implications within the realm...
In "On Intention, Sincerity, and Truthfulness" by Abu Hamid Al Ghazali, skillfully translated by Asaad F. Shaker, the eminent Islamic philosopher delves into the profound aspects of human intentionality, the...
"Al Ghazali on the Lawful & The Unlawful" is a comprehensive examination of Islamic jurisprudence by the renowned philosopher and theologian Al Ghazali. This work, translated by Yusuf T Delorenzo,...
This second edition of Al Ghazali: The Remembrance of Death and the Afterlife by T. J. Winter delves deeply into the Islamic philosopher and theologian Al Ghazali's profound reflections on...
"Atomic Habits - ایٹمی عادات: An Easy & Proven Way To Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones by James Clear (Author), Azeem Ahmad (Translator)" provides a practical and scientifically-backed...
In "Cell-Free Gene Expression Methods And Protocols" authored by Ashty S. Karim and Michael C. Jewett, comprehensive insights into the principles, methodologies, and applications of cell-free gene expression systems are...
"Chalees Charagh Ishq Ke - چالیس چراغ عشق کے: The Forty Rules Of Love" by Elif Shafak is a captivating novel that intertwines two parallel narratives—one set in the 13th...
Efzal Anwar Mufti’s series is a comprehensive guide tailored for English language learners, particularly focusing on simplifying complex grammatical concepts. The series includes four essential books: 1. Translation Made Easy...
English Learning Series Translation by Soban Chaudhary, published by Caravan, is a comprehensive resource designed to facilitate the learning and understanding of the English language. Tailored for learners of all...
Essentials of Medical Biochemistry Volume 02 by Mushtaq Ahmad is an essential resource that provides a detailed exploration of biochemical processes and their relevance to human health and disease. This...
Fundamentals of Biochemistry by J.L. Jain, Sunjay Jain, and Nitin Jain provides a comprehensive introduction to the core principles and essential concepts in biochemistry, catering to both undergraduate and graduate...
In the realm of language acquisition and understanding, Muhammad Shahid Khan introduces a groundbreaking resource: the Gender English to Urdu Urdu to English Dictionary, published by ILMI. Designed with meticulous...
"Genetics, 3rd Edition by Monroe W. Strickberger is a comprehensive textbook that explores the fundamental principles of inheritance, genetic variation, and molecular genetics. It provides an in-depth understanding of genetic...
Genetics For Dummies, 3rd Edition by Tara Rodden Robinson and Lisa Cushman Spock is a comprehensive guide that demystifies the complexities of genetics, making the subject accessible to beginners and...
Islam, as elucidated in Muhammad Hameed Ullah's translated work by Aliyah Khan, is a profound and comprehensive way of life encapsulating spiritual, social, and moral dimensions. It serves as a...
"Kalam Shah Hussain With Urdu Translation" presents the timeless verses of Shah Hussain, a revered Sufi poet, translated into Urdu by Dr. Inam ul Haq Javed and Dr. Amjad Ali...